St Edmund's and St Thomas' Catholic Primary School

Residential Trips

Year 4 children are given the opportunity to visit CHET.

Year 6 children are usually given the opportunity to take part in a residential stay at a Robinwood centre. It is regarded as an integral part of the year's work - both academically and socially and all the children are encouraged to take part in it. Most year groups will have at least one visit per year to a place of some academic interest. Charges may be made for out of school activities in accordance with the school policy on 'Charges for School Activities'.

Government legislation requires the school to make it clear that parents are under no obligation to contribute to school visits which take place during school hours and also to state that non-payment will not preclude a child from taking part. In practice, however, since school visits must be self-financing they will only take place if sufficient voluntary parental contributions are received.